How to replace right motor mount 06 KIA Optima

3 years ago

This is a really quick video showing where and how to replace the right hand motor mount on a 2006 KIA Optima 2.4L 4 cylinder engine. In this video I show how to support the engine to get the weight off the motor mount so it can be removed with ease. There is a total of 3 bolts and a nut that has to be removed and the motor mount lifts straight out. The job can be easier if you remove the engine top cover and take the 3 nuts off the power steering reservoir and pull it to the side. The whole job should not take more than 10 to 15 minutes provided you do not run into any rusted and stuck bolts.

This motor mount runs anywhere from $180 to $240 from local suppliers, you can order it here for around $35 -

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