New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's COVID Corral: 15,430+ Served Plus More Colorful Public Confessions

3 years ago

Rooster and Rex's lamentations continue apace. More filth from the annals of forced political sodomy! National Security remains a punchline.

Andrew Cuomo is a very naughty boy who wears a whimsical pin. Every meal at Cuomo's COVID Corral comes complete with complimentary coronavirus blankets. Now he'll let you visit grandma before she snuffs it - Huzzah! Mass murder according to the virus regime rules of the game.

There's not enough paper to publish a proper history of New York's corruption. A sex scandal without the sex (Make Sex Scandals Great Again!) obscures the real Eldercide scandal in New York and beyond, as it represents the heart plug for the global State sponsored virus cult mass hysteria: if the State failed to protect those most at risk, it's all been a catastrophic waste, if nobody died prematurely in the nursing homes, it's all been a catastrophic waste - one of the biggest follies in the history of civilization.

A sex scandal aficionado savors the difference between real and fake sex scandals with a walk down Memory Lane. HUD: Official real estate rackets. The Cuomo Trump connection. The Cuomo Clinton connection. The Cuomo Kennedy connection. Andrew Cuomo on a frontier psychiatrist's couch. Cuomo's rise: a history of weaponized investigations in New York. Tappan Zee Bridge, RIP. Italian culture is great, Andrew Cuomo is not. Mafia rumors and insinuations abound.

Your exasperated hosts also take some time to point out the general lack of political street smarts among the population. The scourge of naive realism.

The smartest man BOHICA Biden knows. If it bleeds, it leads, but only when ideology allows it. Soviet hacks in the media continue covering for China's Manchurian Candidate in the White House. People who wear beanie caps still don't have an ontological monopoly on the truth.

We continue celebrating our glorious ruling class Goombas. Plus at least two stunning public confessions from your hosts.

There will be F-bombs and a dollop of raunch sauce. Spoiler alert: Honeypot Hunter's gun may have been retrieved by a trash digger looking for recyclables. "Most Genius Shit Ever." Sauros Rex wonders why his "Smoke Crack Get Rich" plan isn't working yet. We also engage in some Remote Viewing of a renowned Pancake Sorter. Apologies to Joe Green, a.k.a., Giuseppe Verdi.

As ever, we run a class joint! Headphone use approved.

"I'm Sorry," Cuomo's new hit single from "Cuomo Croons The Classics," the extended cut!

Tipsy hats:

Cuomo's Nursing Home Scandal is ATROCIOUS - Viva Frei Vlawg:

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Mario Cuomo on anti-Italian slurs:

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