Globalist Elite Prince Harry Hired as Misinformation Czar to Censor Americans

3 years ago

Globalist elite Prince Harry announced he’d be joining the neoliberal think tank Aspen Institute to preside over a thorough inquiry into American “misinformation” on Thursday, with the royal drawing criticism across both sides of the Atlantic for his embrace of left-wing politics and professional victimhood.

The global elite has been appointed a commissioner on the Aspen Institute’s Commission on Information Disorder, presiding over a six-month study into supposed “misinformation” with fourteen other commissioners.

“As I’ve said, the experience of today’s digital world has us inundated with an avalanche of misinformation, affecting our ability as individuals as well as societies to think clearly and truly understand the world we live in,” the Germano-British royal said in a statement.

Never Trump Republican Will Hurd is also on the board, along with Rubert Murdoch’s left-wing son James.
The royal turned California multimillionaire has made his disdain for American-style free speech well known, claiming that free expression and criticism of western elites represented a threat to democracy as the world knows it in January.

Imagine living in a world where you’re lucky enough in the sperm lottery to be gifted with the title of ‘prince’ in one of the world’s most obsolete monarchies, only to take up the mantle of victimhood in response to the audacity of peasants to criticize you online.

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