Kevin J Johnston gets arrested after defending himself against an assault. NEVER TRUST THE POLICE!!

3 years ago

Arana Nation reviews video of host Kevin J Johnston being arrested after being assaulted by a man by the name of Dave who works at Dave's No Frills at Address: 1401 Alaska Ave, Dawson Creek, BC V1G 1Z6, Canada. Dave on camera struck Kevin and before that Dave assaulted Kevin by placing hands on him within the store. Kevin imposed his right to perform a "citizens arrest" on Dave for the assault but the Police arrested Kevin instead without asking what happened or looking at the video. This is why you should NEVER EVER call the Cops! #KevinJJohnston​ #DawsonsCreekBC​ #NoFrills​

Link to the article where the NHS warns people who have allergic reactions to NOT take the virus and that two of the first people in the West who took the vaccine suffered adverse effects from it:

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