Charlemagne Institute, Defending and Advancing Western Civilization

3 years ago

Devin Foley CEO of the Charlemagne Institute is on with us to discuss the defending and advancing of Western Civilization.
From their about page:
What do we mean by defending and advancing Western Civilization? It’s about ideas. There can be no doubt that American culture is in crisis. Our country was founded upon the principles and traditions of the Judeo-Christian, Greco-Roman heritage. As the elites have jettisoned those ideals in exchange for post-modern moral relativism, globalism, and even Cultural Marxism, we have watched our society crumble exponentially.
Consider these data points
63% of high school seniors are not proficient in reading.
64% of child-bearing Millennials have had one or more out-of-wedlock births.
70% of Millennials would vote for a Socialist candidate.
76% of 18-29 year-olds believe that “right or wrong depends on the situation.”
From 2001 to 2017, the national suicide rate has increased by 31%.
There is a sea-change coming as the older generations of Americans pass on to their reward, and a new, very different generation of Americans rises up to fill their shoes.

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