A Man Who Thinks He’s a Woman Is Our New Asst. Sec. of Health

3 years ago

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A Man Who Thinks He’s a Woman Is Your New Assistant Secretary of Health in President Biden’s Cabinet

Congratulations, America! You brave and beautiful people have freely elected a government which has just nominated and confirmed the first openly transgender person to a high ranking position in the Federal Government

Yahoo! News Reports:
* The Senate made history Wednesday by confirming Dr. Rachel Levine as assistant secretary of health in a 52-48 vote, making her the highest-ranking openly transgender person in the federal government.
* All Democrats and independents in the Senate voted to confirm Levine, while Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska broke with Republicans to make the confirmation a bipartisan one.
* Levine's confirmation has been praised by LGBTQ advocacy groups.
* "President Biden committed to appointing our nation's most qualified leaders to tackle the pandemic and he delivered in choosing Dr. Levine," former Mayor Annise Parker of Houston, the president of LGBTQ Victory Institute, said in a statement on Wednesday. "Yet the importance of this moment extends well-beyond the health of our nation alone."

Let’s be real, shall we? Rachel Levine is a man, no matter how he feels. He is suffering from a mental illness called gender dysphoria. His condition does not deserve to be celebrated, but treated by a medical professional, and prayed for by a spiritual counselor. This is a hurting person.

Don’t Care
* I don’t care how many people are going to play along with this mass delusion, I refuse to play along
* I don’t care how many are going to wage the pronoun war, Mr. Levine’s Wikipedia page has been scrubbed of every him, he, and his, replaced by hers and she’s
* He will never be able to scrub the male chromosomes from every individual cell in his body.
* We should never harbor hatred for someone like this, instead we should truly feel grief and pity for them. The transgender individual is living in constant opposition to the person that they were created. Mr. Levine is engaging in a daily dress up party, and it cannot be fulfilling to him.
* This hurting and confused man has experienced nothing but favor and promotion ever since transitioning in 2011 and divorcing his wife in 2013.
* He excelled in climbing the ranks of government bureaucracy in the state of PA, no doubt as a testament to the left-leaning political environment there.
* Pretending to be a woman was been the best thing he ever did for political power, after all if he’s not dressing up as a woman, he is just a white male, a part of the racist patriarchy.
* But now, he is able to take part in the victimhood culture by placing himself in a persecuted people group
* Yes, there are political advantages for men to pretend being women.
* But I don’t care how deeply the delusion runs, I refuse to call him a she because it violates my right to think true thoughts.
* We must take note of the argument that conservatives and Christians have been making for several generations… What does it lead to?
* Imagine if I traveled back in time to the year 2000 and had a conversation with you at that time.. before the internet, before smartphones, when you might still have carried a beeper..
* I told you that in about 20 years time, we would be confirming a transgender person to a position in the federal government.
* The slippery slope was a lot more slippery than anyone could imagine
* At that time, there was still strong support for the Defense of Marriage Act, signed by Bill Clinton.. Marriage was between one man and one woman
* In roughly 25 years, not only has the government’s view of marriage been destroyed, but now attempting to destroy the legal distinctions between male and female
* I would argue that this is all part of one massive cultural push away from cultural and historical traditions, in favor of moral depravity.
* We must take note that this is Sodom and Gomorrah on steroids. This is far worse than what the crowds banging on Lot’s door wanted.. this is a cultural celebration of the rejection of God’s design for gender.
* The elevation of Rachel Levine is a massive troll against God Himself. It is the leftist rejection of morality right up in your face. Are you enjoying this?

Gen 1:27 NKJV - 27 So God created man in His [own] image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Male and female is part of the very essence of what it means to be human. To reject your God-given gender is to reject God Himself. The culture that is ok with this is ok with the complete rejection of god’s image in mankind. This is not progress.. this is regression back to barbarism. We are now living in a post-post-Christian America.

Good news: the more confusion and chaos exists in the world around us, the more that common sense becomes the oxygen that people are gasping for. Those who are thinking clearly must be willing to take on whatever shame comes along with standing up in the pronoun wars. Not willing to back down to the truth that men are men, that women are women, and that’s OK!

Will you?

Dear listener hear the words of the God that made you:

Psa 139:13-17 NKJV - 13 For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. 14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully [and] wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And [that] my soul knows very well. 15 My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, [And] skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When [as yet there were] none of them. 17 How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them!

God didn’t make a mistake when he made you. He made you in His image. Yes, marred and broken by sin and rebellion against Him, but still bearing unlimited worth. You are more than just a random collection of cells. You are more than just a cosmic accident.

To Mr. Levine, I know you are a hurting man. I know that you are confused. I know that you have found some comfort and advantage in masquerading around in women’s clothes and with a woman’s hairstyle. But I want you to know, that you are still a bearer of God’s image. And it is for this reason that God reached down through time and space to send a savior so that you could be rescued from your confusion. Trust in the risen savior, Jesus Christ and repent of your sins to be born again into a new life of joy, peace, and satisfaction in the way God made you

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Thanks so much for listening and shine on, happy warriors!

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