One of the best things a nation can do for unity. Define Religion GOD's Way

3 years ago

Learn religion that is pro-GOD; not that concoction (device) of the term which is used to mean malevolence against GOD. Something disingenuous is happening when people attempt to use the word 'religion' to bad-rap GOD.

Religion is worship of GOD in salvation of Christ Jesus and guidance of GOD's Holy Spirit. What is not this true religion is 'irreligion' - not religion.

Why form the fence line here and not elsewhere? Here is where I think it is most a possibility that many will realize they are on the wrong side - that they are on a course of self-destruction to be opposed to GOD, and turn their loyalty to GOD.

If 'religion' is not about rightly understanding GOD - mention of it for some other purpose - is a SCAM.

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