Journaling Part Two - How to Keep a Diary

3 years ago

Keeping a journal is a simple and practical step which you can take in order to make better use of your time and efforts. Maintaining a journal raises our awareness and helps us to make sense of our live and make a better go at it!

In How to Keep A Journal - Part One we covered the benefits of keeping a journal, which includes:

* Raising Self-awareness
* Taking control of your life
* Increasing mental-emotional-spiritual capacity

We also covered the bedtime review exercise, which boosts mental power and memory power.

In this video How to Keep A Journal - Part Two we are focusing on how to maintain a journal, on the how to side of things rather than the why.

For many people writing a journal is a novel experience and to be quite honest with you it can be a futile experience, unless you know how best to get what you need from it.

Watch this video and find out how you can start and maintain a life journal!

Opening Music:
Jaeger's cape by Blear Moon
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License​

Some minor changes have been made to the song in order to fit in with the intro graphic

Opening Graphic:
Rotating human Brain Videezy Credit:
Stock footage by Videezy

Closing Music:
(I Am) Climbing on Air
by Kai Engel
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License​

Some minor changes have been made to the song in order to fit in with the intro graphic

Closing Graphic:
Crystal Skull courtesy of videezy credit:
Stock footage by Videezy

Thumbnail images is courtesy of Luxstorm from Pixabay

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