3 years ago

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Everything in the born again Christian life has an upward draw or calling. The knowing to look heavenward in prayer is natural. Seeking the Lord and yearning for Him, is a good sign of spiritual life and growth. But there is something else that has been happening to the great flocks of God. What began as enjoyable time with the Lord has turned into a religious overdrive that is spiritually killing people.

These self imposed demands to keep up with the fellow "spiritual Jones's" has captured people. The doctrinal straining at a gnat while swallowing the camel of departure from the Lord is now the common race. Oh yes, people can give a knee-jerk, expert reaction-answer to a spiritual inquiry, yet they are dead within. At one time they followed the Chief Shepherd and Bishop of their souls with childlike joy. But now they expect Him to follow them. He is expected to perform for them and to empower them in their self acquired spiritual swordsmanship of knowledge. All the while they are still going further and further away in the Ship of Knowledge out to the Sea of Nowhere to Cast Away Island.

Right now the people of God are fallen down from spiritual high performance. They are exhausted from having so many religious "how-to's being placed upon them like great burdens that are impossible to keep up with. They are being religiously overfed and overdriven to the point of death. I would go as far as saying, that the masses are mostly doing this to themselves. They think this is what it means to be "good" Christian. That this how Jesus accepts them.

They are exhausted because they have not allowed the Master Shepherd to lead them because really, they do not know how to follow Him. There are fear and trust issues that have stunted their growth. Joy, peace and freedom's air of heaven has been choked out. The Lord Jesus Christ is not called that "Great Shepherd of the sheep" for some story book reason, but to see Him in His great powerful caring love for each one He died and now ever lives for. "Comfort ye, comfort ye my people saith your God." Isaiah 40:1



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