PATRIOTS Demand Answers to These Tough Questions!

3 years ago

Why is Biden MIA? Why does he blurt out so many comments and do so many things that are beneficial to Trump? Why is there no press at the Border? Why won't Harris or AOC at least go? Why would Trump push a dangerous vaccine? What is Operation Warp Speed? Why is the press putting out odd stories about secret societies, continuity of government, which jet Trump uses to travel and where he lives? Are they trying to get out in front of the narrative - or roll out a red carpet? If the military is in control, are they just going to let the Biden regime rush the US headlong into WWIII??? So many questions... Who has the answers? Maybe YOU do, if you consider these things from a different perspective.

Understanding the Petrodollar and War in the Middle East:

OP Warp Speed Video:

3/15/21 Migrants Coming in to US. Please remember they say they are from Honduras and supposedly just traveled all that way on foot:

Who could this "hard hitting person with charisma" who would dare take on the CCP and change things in Washington possibly be?

Newsweek Article - MIL Top Secret Plans for Crippled Government:

Time Mag's "Secret Shadow Campaign" Article:

CNN's Obsession with Trump's Jet:

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