Functional Medicine Approach to Thyroid Disease

3 years ago

Functional Medicine Approach to Thyroid Disease

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It is essential to point out the source of your thyroid condition to be quickly addressed and, on occasion, diminish or eliminate the need for hormone replacement. It isn’t to say that you won’t need thyroid hormones or treatment. Still, when steps are taken to address the underlying root cause, the amount and duration of thyroid hormone replacement of/type of therapy are quite often significantly reduced.

The points discussed by Dr. J and Evan brand are to identify underlying root issues, infections, nutrient deficiencies, contributing factors if the thyroid problem is autoimmune or not, structural abnormalities, toxic exposures, and more. Reduction of inflammation, optimize detoxification like encouraging daily bowel movement, support the immune system, and create a personalized plan to navigate the process safely and in a healthy way.

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