Be Prepared for the Winter Sniffles ...

3 years ago

Sniffle times are upon us, especially for our kids.

Imagine your life has finally gone ‘back to normal’

You are on your way to work when you get a call from school….

”Can you come and pick up your child please, he/she has a sniffle.”

Has the world has gone crazy?

….. since when is a sniffle reason enough to keep your kids home?

In the past you would have been slapped with truancy…

When I think back to my school days, if only I had been so lucky!

I wish the old corona could have poked its old head up then…

But come to think of it he did, its has been around since the world began.

The common cold….

How many times did we have to trudge down to the bus stop and wait for the school bus in the freezing cold, wiping the drips from our noses before Jack Frost froze it?

I remember the old-fashioned potions Mum used to dish out to us…cod liver oil by the spoonful, Laine’s emotion, wormwood tea freshly brewed from the bush outside the kitchen window.

Then the Rawleigh’s man came along with lots of cold n flue elixirs to help us recover when we were just too sick to get out of bed!

I really feel for parents today.

There is so much pressure to comply and more conflicting information than ever.

I have come up with a plan to help you build up your child’s immune system from the inside out.

This will work much better than splashing anti-microbial hand wash a million times per day.

How can you do this?

To read the full blog click on the below link ....

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