Have we lost the ability to be Critical Thinkers? At what cost?

3 years ago

In a world driven by Fear over Fact, have we societally lost the ability to form coherent, logic based conclusions based on empirical data? As a result, have we forfeited our ability to ensure favourable outcomes concerning matters that affect our very well-being and our collective future?

We are increasingly bombarded by government edicts (supported by Main Stream Media sycophants who have abandoned Journalistic Integrity) that replace the Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms with 'Emergency Powers granted by Executive Order' that do not pass the scrutiny of scientific peer review, normal legislative and judicial due process of law nor are these draconian (in some cases) measures even questioned by the vast majority of legislators in both the Canadian and the Provincial sitting governments.

We, as citizens, have rights and we do have the power to effect meaningful change - but only if we become knowledgeable, learn from that knowledge and develop the courage of our convictions in order to take back the power from those who have usurped it for their own self-interest.

This is a long video, an hour and a half long. It speaks to many of the issues concerning Constitutional protections, the preservation of Rights and Freedoms and the need for We, the People, to re-assert our Constitutional Authority to hold elected, and unelected officials, to account.

We did not get ourselves into this mess overnight. We have been enticed down the rabbit hole into an unknown possible future reality that ends in a place perhaps that few of us would wish to reside. We became complacent - and we are reaping the unacceptable, unwanted rewards of our inaction and failure to speak out.

Our world has changed dramatically over the course of the past few decades. A combination of our inability to insist on preserving our inalienable rights and freedoms, coupled with an education system that no longer appears to teach a 'critical thinking' discipline and a complicit Main Stream Media has, in part, taken us to this place.

Whether we have the societal will, fortitude and courage to pull ourselves back from the abyss remains to be determined.

Independent media, broadcasts, discussions, dialogues, conversations and sharing critical thinking information is a large component in whether or not we can, and will, succeed.

Big Tech, Big Pharma and others seem to be driving the narrative being promoted through far too many legislators who appear to have forgotten their fiduciary and moral obligation to act in the best interests of their constituents.

I want to live once again in a world of harmony, peace, understanding and love. I want balance, knowledge and freedom. I want to accept personal responsibility for my actions instead of relying on the government 'Nanny State' to take control over virtually all aspects of my daily life - while using my own tax dollars to deny me my own ability to attend to the welfare and best interests of my loved ones.

I do not want to accept the 'Great Reset' based on 'Fear over Fact'.

I humbly request that you reflect upon the foregoing and to share this essay with all of those who cherish their own personal liberties and freedoms.

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