Increasing your flexibility will add years of vitality to your life

3 years ago

Have you ever tried to stretch and bend over to touch your toes?

How did you go with that?

We heard yesterday that for every inch away from your toes or the floor, you lose 7 years of your life expectancy.

Now we haven’t been able to verify this, but it got us thinking…. what if it is true?

Flexibility is largely to do with drinking plenty of water.

For every 30kg of bodyweight you need to drink 1 litre of water per day and you need to add 1/4 tsp of minerals in the form of Healthy Himalayan Salt per litre of water….

Just think of a twig or a tree: if it is dry, it will snap…. if it is green or has plenty of moisture in it, it will bend easily with the storms etc.

Our spine is mostly water as I will tell you in a story here in the video.

My passion is to help my clients to live a long and healthy life, with their marbles and mobility intact.

And once you realize that your body has the blue print for perfect health and is geared towards health rather than disease, it becomes easier to achieve.

Research tells us that we reach our peak at around age 28.
Physically we go downhill after that.

This is largely due to the decline of enzyme production in our bodies, so enzyme supplementation is something that we recommend for everyone.

Plenty of enzymes are found in fermented vegetables like sauerkraut, so we make sure we have at least one decent serving of Love Your Guts Sauerkraut or Kimchi every day…

We also supplement with Detoxicator, Omnizyme or Aura life.

We have lots of great enzyme products at the moment.

On a different note, research also shows that walking briskly for 20 minutes per day can add 7 years to your life….

So if you have lost your oomph, lack energy, have no libido, and this is eroding into your happiness and loving relationships, book in for a session with me.

I can pin point what is going wrong in your body and show you how to do a complete u-turn, so you get your vitality back.

I discovered that in my 60s, I am fitter and more flexible than I have ever been!

To book an appointment with me go to and organize a time that suits you.

I perform around 26 very specific tests on your metabolism that will reveal the health of your heart, kidneys, liver, etc etc.

I do expect you to take 100% responsibility for your health and fitness when you work with me.

What would your life look like in a couple of years time when you commit 5% positive change in your habits now?

How would this enhance your self esteem?

What would it look like in your rewarding relationships?

I am not even asking you to spend 5% of your income on your most precious asset: your body!

I am encouraging you to start today by booking in a complete health analysis.

Or at least a complete blood analysis.

You will be surprised at the results!

Click this link to book now and we can go from there.
If you simply want some great products, look no further than Detoxicator ($37.75) and Bioraculous ($65 for 2 months supply) or Vital All in One ($79.95), another complete body tonic like Bioraculous.

Another great product is Joint connection ($64.70), which also contains fantastic immune support.

Inflanorm ($39.75) is another great enzyme product to help you feel young.

Here is our popular Purple House Smoothie Recipe:
2 tablespoons of organic flax seed oil (organic, cold pressed and stored in cold dark place)
6 tablespoons of organic full fat yoghurt or kefir
2 tablespoons of organic coconut oil
2 tablespoons of Chia seeds
2 scoops of Bioraculous or Vital all in one
2 sachets of Percy’s powders
1 teaspoon of Relief Powder or Turmeric
Optional: a sprinkle of Diatomaceous Earth.

You may need to add some water to create a consistency that suits your taste buds.

You can add some cinnamon or vanilla to make it more enticing, but don’t be tempted to turn it into a fruit smoothie.

Too much fructose is transformed into harmful oils inside your cells, which may cause pain and inflammation.

Did I say to mix these ingredients into a blender and process and eat slowly.

This is enough for two people.

Grada takes all day to eat one serve!!

Yours to great health. Peter

Call 0428283007 if you have any enquiries.

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