Similarities between humans and ants!

3 years ago

Have you ever killed an ant?

I have…. Our lawns here tend to have jack jumper nests and they have a nasty bite.

So every Christmas I put ant poison down their nests because otherwise our little grandkids can’t play around outside without getting stung all over.

But after doing some research this week I feel really conflicted.

I don’t want to kill any more ants but I want a safe haven for my 15 grandkids as well.

Did you know that we have so much in common with ants?

Our biomass is actually equivalent to ants.

The total biomass of the 8 billion humans on this planet is guestimated at 0.1%, which is exactly the same biomass as the ants take up.

Just think of that. What makes me think that humans are more important than ants?

Or that the planet belongs to us mere mortals?

Ants need to eat every day, they need to sleep every night, they have children, they probably worry about the future, they probably want the same things as we do: a peaceful existence where everybody gets a chance to thrive.

Did you know that an ant brain has about 250,000 brain cells whereas we have about 10,000 million brain cells.

So a colony of 40,000 ants has collectively the same size brain as a human.
Hmmm, I wonder what they are thinking then.

The average life expectancy of an ant is 45-60 days so they probably really want to make the most of their days!

Not only are ants way smarter than us….

For instance, they always know when it is going to rain because you see them out busy shopping a day or two prior to a storm.

They are also super strong.

An ant can lift 20 times its own body weight.

That would be like your 8 year old carrying your car into your house.

Just imagine all the little kids carrying cars and trucks home for their parents.

That’s crazy huh!

Why can’t we do that?

Well, actually, you can!

You have probably heard stories of mums or dads lifting a car off their child trapped underneath it!

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