Joe Markiewicz Interviews Rick Green (America's Constitution Coach) - ON Liberty Dispatch

3 years ago

Liberty Dispatch - Joe Markiewicz Interviews Rick Green

We are having a conversation that is relevant in today’s world and not just with what’s happening in Washington, DC, but also with what we can do as Patriots. Since November 3rd, I know the world has been turned upside down for a lot of people. That is why I want to have Rick Green on here today.

Rick Green was a legislator in Texas and he began teaching the Constitution around the country. His favorite thing to do is teach Liberty and pass it on to the next generation. He does a lot of different things to show people how to enjoy and live out freedom and not just be mad. So today Rick will discuss action steps that they can do to defend our freedom.

Rick will talk about the new stimulus payment from Biden that is a leftist Christmas tree worth 1.9 trillion dollars. Nearly 400 billion dollars will go towards bailing out Blue states who made bad decisions and instead of their citizens paying the price for the bad decisions of their elected officials, citizens from other states are on the line for it. We have punished the people who haven’t made those bad decisions and are bailing out those that did. It’s egregious. And that’s just one thing wrong with the bill. These stimulus bills including the two done by the Republicans and

Democrats before this one reinforce bad decisions.
Check out Ricks Front Porch live on his Facebook page,​, just about every Sunday night on his Facebook page and the Patriot Academy,

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