Tuning-Up Gunnar While Trying a New Saddle

3 years ago

Has your horse been standing idle most of the winter?

Horses that have not been ridden much or at all through the winter as well as their riders need a Spring Tune-up.

Gunnar, an 11-year-old gelding, has had the winter off. In this video, I show how I work with him to see how he responds to me. With these drills, I'll see where he needs some work and where I need to communicate with him better.

I'm also trying out a new saddle while working Gunnar.

RQ Horsemanship is planning a clinic for May 2021 called Spring Tune-Up 2021 . Riders can bring their horses to an indoor arena and in a group setting work the kinks out of our horses and ourselves.

A clinic is a great opportunity to share experiences and get different perspectives on horsemanship. Sign up to receive further details about this and other upcoming clinics at rqhorsemanship.com.

Or contact me at bill@rqhorsemanship.com. I'll be happy to work with you and your horse in a training session to get you ready for the spring riding season!

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