How Sexual "Freedom" has Enslaved Us w/ E Michael Jones

3 years ago

Day, E Michael is on to discuss his book Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control.

From the back of the book: Libido Dominandi – the term is taken from Book I of Augustine’s City of God – is the definitive history of that sexual revolution, from 1773 to the present. Unlike the standard version of sexual revolution, Libido Dominandi shows how sexual liberation was from its inception a form of control. The logic is clear enough: Those who wished to liberate man from the moral order needed to impose social controls as soon as they succeeded because liberated libido led inevitably to anarchy.
Over the course of two hundred years, those techniques became more and more refined, eventuating in a world where people were controlled, not by military force, but by the skillful management of their passions. It was Aldous Huxley who wrote in his preface to the 1946 edition of Brave New World that “as political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase.”
The best method of controlling people is one that achieves its goals, leaving them completely unaware that they are subject to control, and the best way to do this is to systematically manipulate their desires, for man identifies with them. Defending them, he defends his "freedom", which he usually understands as an unlimited potency to satisfy his own desires, not understanding most often that it is extremely easy to manipulate them from the outside. This manipulation today serves the dark forces to improve the financial system and political supervision and exploitation.
They profoundly understood Saint Paul and Saint Augustine, calling this phenomenon "enslavement through sin."
This book, describing a coherent construction of a worldview based on this phenomenon, explains how sexual liberation has become a form of political control.

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