Prepper Myths: Long Term Food Storage

3 years ago




Prepper Myth: Long Term food storage
1. Are Calories more important than Nutrient density.
2. What makes rice, beans, wheat, oats etc. a long term food storage survival food? The food it’s self or how it’s stored? Think about it lol.
3. Since we know foods can be stored long term if done properly why is bad to discuss doing that for more nutrient dense foods?
4. Long term good storage is for foods one plans to eat everyday in a SHTF. That’s why micro/macro, biological value matters.
5. You can’t just add a multivitamin to unhealthy food in order to make the food healthy.
6. Long term food storage is more than just acquiring things. Nature has provided the best long term food storage one could ask for.
7. Is Homesteading sufficient for long term food storage?

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