Wild Snakes Often the most dangerous venomous animals,

3 years ago

While the fear in this case isn’t entirely unfounded, snakes are certainly misunderstood, and incredibly so. Often the most dangerous venomous animals, or perhaps most dangerous animals in general in any given area, certain species of them are absolutely something to fear, but, as usual, exaggeration frequently occurs.While it is true that no one should approach a wild snake, especially not if they don’t clearly recognise the species as a harmless one, most snake species aren’t aggressive and really want nothing to do with humans, let alone waste their precious venom or risk themselves taking down a person, something that’s really not an efficient food source for them, the fact remains that, while they certainly demand a careful approach, less than a tenth of snake species are estimated to be actually dangerous to humans, they often inflict a dry bite even when attacking since most typically would rather warn than envenom, and with the increase in readily available antivenins, deaths from snakebites should drop in the future significantly.

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