Vacine jabs are hacking the software of life - Moderna CEO

3 years ago

Dr. Tal Zaks, the chief medical officer at Moderna Inc., explained in a 2017 TED talk how the company’s mRNA vaccine was designed to work, adding that his company was working on a vaccine that would not act like any previous vaccine ever created. Over the last 30 years, he said, “We’ve been living this phenomenal digital scientific revolution, and I’m here today to tell you, that we are actually hacking the software of life, and that it’s changing the way we think about prevention and treatment of disease.”

Patrick Woods of Technocracy News says both the Moderna and Pfizer injections are experimental mRNA vaccines. “The FDA has only granted these injections Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and they will remain in trials through 2023, yet the government, media and corporations are all promoting them as though they are guaranteed safe,” Woods said. “God-given genetic makeup is entering dangerous territory. Who’s to say they won’t correct one problem and create something far worse?”

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