224: DEBATE! "Trump's Impeachment was Justified." Chris Spangle vs Remso Martinez

3 years ago

Was Trump's Impeachment justified? While Donald's memory of the presidency moves further and further into the rearview mirror, there's a lot of debate over this topic and how it will effect election processes moving forward.

The last time Chris Spangle was on the show, we said that we hoped we'd never have to talk about this again.... but here we are. I just felt like there was a lot of ground and angles we didn't cover, so to make sure we covered all ground possible in the most enjoyable way, our other good friend of the show and member of Chris Spangle's network, We Are Libertarians, Remso W. Martinez joins the conversation, this time for a DEBATE!

I know some people get annoyed by debates. This might not be the show for those people because there's little I love more than listening to a battle of the minds between two people who's opinions I respect.

So that's what we're doing today. Chris Spangle with the pro-impeachment stance and Remso Martinez with anti. Who will win? You decide.

All that and more on today's episode of The System is Down episode 224: DEBATE! "Trump's Impeachment was Justified." Chris Spangle vs Remso Martinez


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