Adam & Cam Podcast #4

3 years ago

Well well well. We exist on a planet where Dr. Seuss childrens' classics are cancelled, yet where the United Nations is comfortable inviting to its Consultative Group on Human Rights the Chinese Communist Party, a totalitarian regime directly or indirectly responsible for the deaths of approximately 40 million of its own people since its formation in 1921.

And so it is with this ever-more-twisted background that Cammy and I were joined by Crystal Jones - journalist and Masters of International Relations student - for our latest podcast.

This was a brilliant, scary, and crazy ride, as we put the magnifying glass to the horror that is the Chinese Communist Party, or CCP.

Led by the independent research of Crystal, we discussed the ways in which CCP authorities use political correctness against the West, and how the regime is not too proud to infiltrate even local government councils within Australia. We discussed the CCP's destruction of once-magnificent Hong Kong, and its - at best negligent - role in the global social and economic crisis of 2020.

And whilst populations within China now face surveillance and human rights abuses too extensive to want to imagine, this episode also laments over the weakness of a Western world too fearful and decadent to stand up for itself and its own populations against this most vile threat to the future of our children and grand-children: the Chinese Communist Party.

Indeed, our children have likely heard little about anyone fighting on their behalf as the CCP meanwhile pushes for the World Health Organisation to allow them to be czar-suveillant of some vaccine passport system they envisage unloading across the entire globe. And yet I’m sure that one thing our kids have instead heard all about is Cardi B’s wet-ass p****.

This is where we currently are. They tell me it’s about liberation or some shit.

Enjoy the episode.

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