Off the Grid Tech invites you to a Pre-launch registration opportunity!

3 years ago


Off the Grid Tech, OurLawful Rebellion and Aussie Patriots Roll invites you to a Pre-launch registration opportunity!

This Opportunity, Product and Organisation fully aligns with everything Our Lawful Rebellion, Aussie Patriots roll and Stand in the Park stands for:

Choice and Control of Our Own Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Digital selves.

This registration opportunity is Absolutely Free with No obligation to do anything but have a serious look at the current and future planned Products the Technologies, the associated Eco-Systems and the Clear Worldwide Community.

Register here:

Watch a personal message from Founder and Creator Michael Proper:
YouTube link:
Rumble link:

The Product:
Imagine, if YOU will, a SmartPhone that is Private, Safe and Secure and 100% under YOUR Control and is competitively priced with.
No need to imagine it is REAL and on its way to Australia as We speak.
Here are the facts to compare with your current unencrypted SmartPhone:
Clear SmartPhones are:
BlockChain based technology - cannot be hacked.
100% Virus-Free - No more Malware, Spyware, Adware RISKS.
FULLY ENCRYPTED – Only Accessible by YOU.
NO Unwanted, Unsolicited, Inappropriate ads – EVER.
NO info sharing or behaviour profiling - EVER.
NO trackers, cookies, no backdoors (hidden or otherwise).
NO government or company has access to YOUR phone.
The option of 2 separate numbers on the same phone.
600% crisper camera (up to 48Mp)
GSM 4G technology NOT 5G
3× faster than 5G without the 5G RISKS.
“ClearID” on every model builds your Identity with your own private, secure individual encryption key.
YOU choose what you Keep, what you Share and what you Delete.

What does it all mean?
It means that for the first time YOU now know, with 100% confidence, that YOU own and control ALL YOUR digital, Photos, Videos, History, Stored Data and Digital Identity.
STOP giving the Big Tech and Telco Corporations FREE use of your digital life.

Special Invitation.
All Pre-Launch registrants will be invited to the next bi-weekly Live interactive Zoom meeting with Founder and creator Michael Proper.

We look forward to helping YOU Australia and ALL Australians regain Control of their Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Digital selves.

If YOU don't claim and Secure your digital Life someone else will!



*this prelaunch registration opportunity invitation is for and behalf of Off the Grid Tech in affiliation with Clear United all rights reserved.

Let's get Together and get Our Australia back for ALL Australians.

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