Tim Larkin & Target Focus Training Origin Story Part 2

3 years ago

Hey Everybody!

Tim Larkin here, and a question I've been getting a lot in the comments is where I come from, what is my background, and how did I develop my concepts and methodologies. In the 2nd part of my origin story, we again revisit the excellent podcast Protector Nation by Byron Rodgers. See the link below to him. Now, continuing on from Part 1, we discuss a gentleman that I got a lot of good information to help shape hand-to-hand combat in special warfare intelligence. We ended up training people in my command for a few years, before leaving and starting a private training group. Around 9/11 I broke off on my own, and Target Focus Training was started. Since then I've been training people with a universal tool, the destruction skill set. A skill set everybody can get results with.

Part 1 - https://youtu.be/k2dBcsH6hIc

Byron Rodgers - Protector Nation - https://byronrodgersmotivation.com/about-me/

00:00 Introduction
01:27 My Interview Continued w/ Byron Rodgers - Protector Nation
02:23 Jared Peterson, The Vietnam Vet With A Training Studio
04:36 A Short Story About My Uncle And A Couple Of Irish Punks
07:16 My Training With The Vietnam Vet Gets Noticed By Command
08:50 How I Became An Instructor And Started Training With Command For A Few Years
11:22 I Leave The Military And Start Target Focus Training
16:46 My Comments On The Interview
17:44 In Closing & Please Subscribe

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Target Focus Training - Tim Larkin - Self Defense - Martial Arts - Awareness - Self Protection

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