Rhodesia National Anthem (1974–1979; Instrumental) Rise, o voices of Rhodesia

3 years ago

The Rhodesian government initiated a search for a new anthem around the time of its adoption of a new green-and-white flag in November 1968. The royal anthem "God Save the Queen" officially remained in place until the formal declaration of a republic in March 1970. Republican Rhodesia was without an anthem for over four years before the chosen music was announced in August 1974: "Ode to Joy", from Ludwig van Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.

(English Lyrics)
Rise, O voices of Rhodesia,
God may we Thy bounty share.
Give us strength to face all danger,
And where challenge is, to dare.
Guide us, Lord, to wise decision,
Ever of Thy grace aware,
Oh, let our hearts beat bravely always
For this land within Thy care.

Rhodesian National Anthem / Nationalhymne Rhodesiens / Гимн Родезии / Hymne de la Rhodésie / Nationalhymne Rhodesien / Hymn Rodezji / Inno Nazionale della Rhodesia / Himna Rodezije / Volkslied van Rhodesië / Himno de Rhodesia / Rodezya Milli Marşı

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