Proposed Colorado Animal Cruelty Initiative Would Destroy Agriculture Industry

3 years ago

A Controversial Initiative Is Being Proposed In Colorado That Opponents Say Would Have A Devastating Impact On The Agriculture Industry Nationwide.

It's Called Pause - Which Is Short For 'Protect Animals From Unnecessary Suffering And Exploitation'

The Initiative Was Penned By A Pair Of Colorado Residents Who Want To Make Some Major Changes To The Already Existing Animal Cruelty Laws In The State.

The Initiative Is Being Sold As A Pro-Animal, Anti-cruelty Measure That Would Require Livestock To Live Out 25% Of Their Life Before Being Sent To Slaughter, And Would Expand The Definition Of A 'Sexual Act With An Animal' To Include Livestock Husbandry Practices - But What Exactly Does That Mean?

According To The Colorado Farm Bureau, As Of Now Ranchers Use Husbandry Practices Such As Artificial Insemination, Pregnancy Checking, And Fertility Testing To Increase Breeding Efficiency And Provide A Safe And Affordable Food Supply. However The Proposed Initiative Would Criminalize Those Practices By Prohibiting Any Intrusion Or Penetration With An Object Or Part Of A Person's Body.

Mike Haynes, Who Is A Third Generation Colorado Cattle Rancher Said The Initiative, If Passed, Would Destroy The Agriculture Industry Saying,

"This Is A Huge Threat To The Cattle Business All The Way From The Commercial Guy Raising Calves For The Feedlot To The Operations Raising Show Cattle, Like Myself. Not To Mention It Will Essentially End One Of The Greatest You Organizations, 4H. If Passed It Will Do The Same To The Poultry, Pork, Sheep, And Goat Industries!

Opponents Of Proposition 16 Also Say That It Would Kill Tens Of Thousands Of Jobs, Significantly Raise The Price Of Meat, And Result In Very Low Quality Animal Protein.

If The Measure Gets 125,000 Signatures It Will Be On The Ballot In 2022.

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