Rebel TV E 35 Safety is a Cruel God 3/2/21

3 years ago

We are approaching a grievous milestone for tyranny in America; one year since the lockdowns started, one year since government conned us into taking drastic and despotic action to “flatten the curve” which was supposed to only last two weeks. Actions that destroyed millions of lives and livelihoods. Dictates that changed the very fabric of American life. Policies that destroyed the credibility of revered institutions and exposed tyranny in our officials and the intolerance of our neighbors. And what was the reason given for this paradigm shift? It was to keep us safe. But if safety is the overriding principle for our lives and more importantly, government action, we will live in a very cruel world.
As Benjamin Franklin said, “Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” We have given up so much essential liberty, we have allowed government at all levels to shred the bill of rights. Our essential rights, the right to assemble, to worship, to work and run our businesses are all gone, now treated as privileges to be curtailed or eliminated at the whim of a governor. And did we get any safety? Did they flatten the curve, did they keep people from dying? Look at states like New York and California with the most severe lockdowns and compare them to the free state of Florida and it is obvious the answer is no. Trading liberty for safety did not make people more safe.
But it is more than that. Not only is making safety the single overriding political goal tyrannical, it is cruel. It forces us to deny our humanity, it prohibits our common expressions of kindness in even the most intimate situations. How many people suffered and died alone during this manufactured crisis, their loved ones prohibited from holding their spouse's or parent's hand as their lives slipped away? How many people locked themselves away in fear, suffering the torment of loneliness, starved for a smile, a hug. How many people were denied the celebration of life's milestones, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, proms, events that can never be replicated or repeated. How many lives have been ruined as their life's work, their business, their careers have been ripped away by an arbitrary dictate? Human beings are social creatures, we need to see each other's faces, feel each other's presence, touch one another. It is necessary for our mental and physical health. Sure, if we all lived in a plastic bubble and never left our homes we would be a lot safer but that is not life, life which consists of so much more than simply existing.
Of course Covid is merely the most recent and poignant example of using the cry of “safety” as the excuse to destroy our liberty by scaring us. The whole climate change mantra, “the world is going to end in twelve years is we all don't give up all our money and freedom” is another excuse for cruelty. Look at what King Joe did in his first few executive orders. He put tens of thousands of people out of work. They lost good paying jobs with the stroke of Joe's pen. These are people with families and mortgages and college tuition to pay for who depended on those good paychecks. But King Joe and his commie friends don't care. What's their response? Forget your six figure job, you can go assemble solar panels for $15/hr. Cruel and heartless. This whole save the planet thing is simply to take choices, read freedom, away from us through regulation and taxation. But just like trading freedom for safety didn't save any lives from Covid all the sacrifices we the people are supposed to make for the planet aren't going to amount to a hill of beans in making things cleaner and better. It will only make the politicians and the connected wealthier.
Finally, the war on free speech. This too is for our safety. It started years ago with safe spaces, some people needed to be protected from offensive speech so some people were not allowed to speak at all because they may harm someone's fragile psyche. But now, now it is so much more. We need to cancel people who's speech we don't like not just because we may be offended but because such speech is subversive and may lead to insurrection. People who engage in certain kinds of speech are mentally deranged and need deprogramming so their lies will not upset the rest of the sheep. Shutting us up is for the safety of society, certain ideas are simply too dangerous to be allowed to float about freely to be discussed openly.
None of this, the assault on free speech, the sacrifices demanded of us by the climate change fanatics, the Covid lockdowns, make us safer, they simply destroy liberty. Why? To protect and enrich the corrupt and connected, the political class and their friends, the large corporations and their government partners. The Covid lockdowns separate us and destroy our humanity, reducing us to worker bees who will hand over our money and lives to ostensibly save the planet and the war on speech is to marginalize and silence anyone who would reveal this corruption. We need to stop believing these lies, we need to stop adjusting our lives to their perverted distortions. It is not the job of government to ensure our personal, daily safety. It is our responsibility as free people to weigh risks and live according to our reason and wisdom. None of what they are doing is making us safer, it is only destroying liberty. It is time we stopped following these dictates, it is time we took back the liberty they have stolen.

Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin

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