Blame It on the Wind | 3/22/21

3 years ago

Women complain about support for their NCAA tournament, compared to the men’s tournament. Biden falls climbing the stairs to Air Force One. Pat Gray Bingo is back again this week! Get your card on Twitter @PatUnleashed. Student loans may be fully canceled in the near future. Illegal Immigrants set free without a court date. Biden plans to raise taxes for more Americans than promised. Refugees arrive in Dallas without any consulting with state representatives. Illegal immigrant arrested in Texas, charged with sexual assault. Mexican authorities say Trump’s immigration policies deterred many immigrants from crossing the border illegally. College students take a test on understanding privilege. Employees asked not to identify their lunch bag by color. California law demands background check on incoming police officers to check for hate group inclusion. Are we in a cold war with China? Virginia teacher speaks to board about how critical race theory is hurting students and teachers. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis bans critical race theory from public schools. Oregon wants to make mask mandates permanent?

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