Rebel TV E25 We Need a Great Reset of Liberty 1/14/21

3 years ago

Some of you have heard of the Great Reset, this plan prompted by the opportunity the Covid Crisis has given the globalists to reorder the world according to a socialist environmental vision. This will be the end of personal and economic liberty for everyone if implemented next year. I do however, believe that the Covid crisis has revealed in stark terms the necessity for a great reset. Look at it this way. When the United States was founded, it was a new program called liberty run in a new computer called limited government. It had a few bugs to work out but it ran better than anything else out there. Over time, however, viruses were introduced, as well as a few destructive hardware upgrades. These corrupted the system even as the original bugs were worked out. We occasionally and halfheartedly tried to deal with these viruses but in the end we learned to live with them, tried to work around them or, worst of all, accepted them as part of the original programming. The corruption has now reached the point where the original program is unworkable and unrecognizable, even its purpose has not only been obscured but completely reversed. It is time for a reset that will eliminate the viruses and return our system to its original program and purpose. We need to once again embrace the original purpose and intent of our nation outlined in its foundational documents.
Look at what 2020 has brought us. Things that were once wacko conspiracy theories have become normalized either through actual implementation or in serious conversation and proposals. Consider what has already happened, and keep in mind that all of this happened in a matter of a few months. GPS tracking: your phone tracks your whereabouts to see who you have been in contact with. It is supposed to be for contact tracing to see if you have been exposed to Covid but it could just as easily be used to see if you have been in contact with people who have the virus of politically unacceptable views. Travel papers: Papers issued to allow you to leave your home under lockdown orders. Forced quarantine even when you are not sick as a result of contact tracing. The acceptance of the idea that the government can put you under house arrest at any time, also known as stay at home orders. The government picks and chooses which businesses can be open and which must close. They have banned gun sales and prohibited people from going to church. They require you to wear something to cover your face like some poor woman in a Muslim hell hole. Pennsylvania reinstituted Prohibition by fiat, no alcohol sales before Thanksgiving. They suppress the right to assemble and protest unless you are part of a protected group like Black Lives Matter.
Think of what the Great Reset is. It is the proposal by a bunch of rich global elites who want to run the world. Forget the Bilderburgers and the like, this is reality and it is all out in the open. We are being encouraged to snitch on our neighbors if we are breaking lockdown edicts like we live in some communist country where neighbors are encouraged to turn each other in. This snitching involves the government assuming the authority to determine who may be in your own home and under what conditions. They have arbitrarily voided private contracts, specifically rental agreements and mortgages. Does anyone now doubt there is a shadow government in the United States, also known as the deep state? The pervasive nature of government propaganda and the suppression of free speech should be obvious to anyone who wants to look and is what has given cover to all this totalitarianism. Lies have become the truth, truth is ridiculed as a lie.
That is what has already happened, perhaps not everywhere but the fact that it happens anywhere is wrong. Do you seriously believe that all of these tyrannical impositions will not become national under a Biden/Harris administration? I don't know if I can say what is coming is worse, but it will be a more intense and pervasive despotism that will build on these unconstitutional acts too many have reluctantly acquiesced to. Here is what is being seriously considered and proposed. Putting microchips in our bodies. The elimination of all physical money, i.e. cash. Mandatory vaccinations and requiring proof of the same to do basically anything; buy, sell, work, travel. Putting political opponents on lists and sending them to reeducation camps. Instituting a Universal Basic Income for all, especially those out of work when they shut down entire business and industries.
Any personal liberty we have, every choice, every right, they will all be subject to restriction and will only be exercised with permission under this totalitarian system. Totalitarian in the true sense of the word, every aspect of life will totally under their regulation and control. There will be no escape from this. With the technology we already have, if we allow this, they will know where you are, who you are with and what you are doing every moment of every day. Is this where we want to go? I don't, do you? Are you willing to allow this to happen, are you so blind to the chains that already bind you that you are willing to accept not only what has happened but what is coming? Do you love the illusion of tranquility in your servitude, do you ignore the choices and happiness denied you and settle for what your overlords permit, will you continue to disregard what you see with your own eyes and those things which alienate your common sense, offend your sense of justice and sicken your spirit? Have you lost the stomach for the sacrifices liberty demands? As I have always said, it is only our consent that allows any of this to happen. But the struggle for liberty is hard, it is risky, but we will not be moved from the horrors of tyranny to the blessings of liberty on a comfortable couch.
Our great reset will not be accomplished by a bunch of elites in a smoke filled room in Europe, it will not be the result of one outsider in the presidency. It will only be effected by we the people rising up against those who would enslave us, we the people refusing to abide their tyranny, we the people taking our liberty with both hands and demanding our rights be respected. We need to finally stand up and revolt against this despotism not just with words and complaints, not with wishful thinking, but with real action.
When the government violates the people's rights, insurrection is, for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of the rights and the most indispensable of duties. Marquis de Lafayette

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