Rebel TV E22 Police in a Police State; Whom do you obey? 1/4/21

3 years ago

As elected executives all across the land issue more restrictions in the name of our health, there are those who may say we are living in a police state. The spying and snitching, the arrests for what were once activities protected by the Constitution, the naked power these men and women believe they have the right to exercise is tyranny is its most basic form. But tyranny requires more than simply a lone despot sitting on a throne shouting edicts, it requires an army of enforcers. In other words a police state requires...police.
In the old days and in less technologically sophisticated countries the military and the police were all a police state needed. Official thugs to go out and enforce the edicts of the despot, rounding up those who dare defy even the most inane decree. In more modern totalitarian states like ours, many of the enforcers hide behind keyboards. They don't get their hands dirty, they simply steal with the stroke of a key, rescind permission for a business or professional license, take a house or other property, steal an election. Ultimately, the thugs will show up to throw you out of your house or confiscate property that exists in the real world but the thugs sitting at a computer and the thug with a gun are still just goons the despot hires to enforce his or her will.
Now here in the good 'ol US of A, all government employees take an oath to defend and protect the Constitution. So what is one to do when the petty tyrant in the governor's mansion tells you to go put a padlock on a church or arrest people for having their family gathered in their own home for Thanksgiving? If there is one good thing about the Covid Crisis it is that it has made some things very clear. The tyrants are glaringly evident, as are the submissive. People are finding their courage and non-compliance is gaining traction. The sides are becoming obvious to everyone. The question for all those enforcers out there is whose side are you on?
Some of the wheat and the chaff have been separated. There have been some officers who have enforced the most oppressive edicts. I'll never forget the marine police in California arresting a lone paddleboarder on the ocean. Business owners and pastors prosecuted for exercising their fundamental rights. The men and women in blue who are following these orders are the kind of people who made up the SS in Hitler's Germany, the soldiers who gunned down demonstrators in Tienanmen Square and goons who recently shot protesters in Venezuela. These are the sort who just follow orders. They have violated their oath and so reduced themselves to thugs in a criminal enterprise.
Of course there were others who stated publicly they would not be enforcing the illegitimate lockdowns and their associated edicts. These are men and women who understand their obligations to the Constitution and the people they serve. They still use their common sense and respect the rights of we the people. These brave souls deserve our respect and support.
So I ask all of you public servants out there, those with badges and those who sit at desks. Are you going to be part of the police state? Are you going to be a bully enforcing the will of a tyrannical government? If so, then don't be surprised when you are treated by we the people as the criminal and thug you are. For those who resist the pressure of conformity, who refuse to obey unconstitutional and nonsensical orders, I applaud you for your courage and you have my deepest respect and admiration. Thank you for your service.
“The only thing viler than tyrants are their lackeys.” Marty Rubin

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