🍄 Oyster mushroom time lapse. #inverse

3 years ago

This is an especially beautiful strain of blue oysters cultivated by my friends at @northsporemushrooms. You can order kits from them using my “FascinatedByFungi” discount code and save 10%. Mushroom kits make great holiday gifts!
Kits are definitely the easiest way to start growing your own mushrooms. When you receive them in the mail, you cut into the block (to let oxygen stimulate growth) and mist them 1-2x daily while keeping them in a cool humid environment (50-70F and 70-90% humidity is ideal). Mushrooms are catabolic and require oxygen to run their metabolism, they will always grow towards oxygen, if the CO2 gets too high, fruiting body formation will be inhibited. I have had success keeping singular kits in a large plastic bag with the corners cut off (to allow more air flow). I’ve also had good luck using an indoor green house with a humidifier. Trick is to mist your mushrooms as often as possible, this will keep them growing and deliciously supple.
.#oystermushrooms #oystermushroom #oystermushroomcultivation #spreadthespore #northspore #mushroomkit #mushroomkits #growyourown #growathome #mushroomcultivation #mushroomfarm #timelapse #timelapsemushroom #growmushrooms #growmushroomsathome #blueoysters #oystermushrooms🍄 #timelapsevideo

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