Zelenko Q&A: Important Covid-19 Information, Medical treatment and much much more

3 years ago

This is a 2 hour Q&A video where I ask Doctor Zelenko questions that viewers and listeners sent me or posted during the live show. We cover tons of informative information to help people deal with the virus as well as questions from people who challenged him and his treatment. We are working on editing this long interview into individual video clips for each question, to then have them all posted in a library on our website. As soon as that library of video clips is available we will share it with all of you.

For information about his treatment visit his website, which can not be found if searched for on Google: https://www.vladimirzelenkomd.com/
For those interested in scientific studies and write-ups, here is a website with an archive of information that has real-world results from hydroxychloroquine related clinical trials, research papers, studies and more, also suppressed by the media, and the medical establishment:

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