Yemei Ha Hanukkah! AMIGHTYWIND Congregation dances 会众跳舞庆祝光明节!

3 years ago

Deut. 12:1-4: These are the statutes and judgments, which ye shall observeand do in the land, which YAHUVEH; Elohim of thy fathers giveth thee to possess it, all the days that ye live upon the earth.

Stop trying to take vengeance yourself. Get back to praying to the Elohim of your forefathers. Get back to praising ME in Psalms before you go into battle.
-Prophecy 48

Israel, you are watching and waiting in anticipation for you know your judgment is not afar off. I have told you again and again to return to the Creator of your Forefathers. But do you listen? Do you return back to holiness? Do you Praise ME for all I have done?
-Prophecy 58

Question any leader you have that does not pray in MY Name and live by the Torah and tell the people we will not win this warfare by weapons, but only by fasting and prayer.
如果你们的任何一个领袖不奉我的圣名祷告、不按着妥拉生活、不告诉人民 “以色列只会借着禁食和祷告赢得这场战争胜利,而不是靠着武器胜利”,你们就要对其进行质疑。

-Prophecy 50Hear Oh Yisrael! The Power! The Power! The Power!Is In YAHUVEH’s Name!

Acupuncture is a curse not a blessing. Oh, how easily this world is deceived. Acupuncture is just another form of occultism. It is nothing moreH am telling those with ears to hear, you allow Satan to possess your body taking it than a ploy to keep you in bondage, allowing the devil to take sole possession of your body.

Yes, I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACcaptive, to do this will. For MY people are destroy for lack of knowledge. Do not allow someone to inject you with pins and needles for the purpose of pain relief.

Anyone that teaches you to rely on 'self' is not of ME. Anyone that teaches you to channel your energy from another source is not of ME. Anyone that teaches you the laws of man such as earth, wind and fire is not of ME.

True healing comes from above. True healing is given from above. It is found in MY Word not in new age medicine. I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will share MY glory with no one especially new age remedies that is devil inspired.
真正的治疗来自天上,真正的治疗由天上赐予,来自我的经文,而非新纪元(New Age)的医药。我──亚呼赎阿 哈 玛西阿克不会与人分享我的荣耀,尤其是新纪元治疗。

Who do you think created knowledge? Knowledge is everywhere! Yet, you must look for it. There is right knowledge and there is wrong knowledge. MY knowledge is hidden away.

MY Children, satan knows his time is limited. He seeks to destroy your physical body. Satan's newest weapon will be many new 'miracle drugs.'
我的儿女,撒旦知道它的时间有限,它尝试毁灭你们的肉体。撒旦最新的武器是许多新的「特效药」(miracle drug)。

You will see many advertisements. They will make many promises but it will be false hopes indeed. They will say “This will cure” but I, YAHUVEH will say “Cursed will you be."

satan seeks to mock ME again by calling this a 'miracle drug.' For he knows there is one miracle worker who heals the sick, brought sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf and who raised Lazarus from the dead. I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will have the last laugh.

YAHUSHUA'S New Blood Covenant Prophecies

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