How Governments use 4th Dimensional Warfare on each other

3 years ago

In today’s Podcast we address the issue of How Government use 4th Dimensional Warfare on other governments. This interaction between the United States delegation and Chinese delegation was horrific. Don’t be surprised to see other countries doing this to the United States. Remember when China refused to let Obama off the plane when he visited China? The news reporters at the time didn’t report fully on that and very few people even knew. But that was a sign of disrespect and tested the force of the American president. This is a test of the new administration and they failed horribly. See how China did this and know this can’t be fixed even in the next election coming in 2022. It can only be fixed in 2024, if we make it that long.

Thank you for listening and taking the time to listen to the entire podcast and reading my ramblings. I hope you enjoyed it and if not please PLEASE let me know in the comments, even if you totally disagree with me, go write a comment down. Anything to get the channel better, I’m all for. Music was provided by lot of music and sounds to pick from and some are even free, who can’t like free?

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