Expanding the Plains village

4 years ago

In Part 1 I am just gathering resources for the basics I will need to survive, and establishing a base of operations.

Minecraft Steve here.
As you can guess I have a love for Minecraft and Warhammer 40k. So I have decided to add a 40k character to Minecraft and do some building tutorials using survival mode. There are several reasons I like working in survival mode. The biggest is that you can be killed at any time. Also when you find a building that you like, you may not have every block available that the building tutorial may have called for. This can lead to some interesting builds.

In this video series I will be expanding the Plains Village, that you see behind me, so that it has every building found on the Minecraft WiKi page. I will be following the blueprints making only some minor changes, such as real smokestacks showing real smoke, or some small modifications to window, or roofs to help them standout better.
But overall the building will be close to what is shown on the wiki.

Another rule that I will be following is that I will follow the existing layout of the village, and only build on open land. I will remove duplicate building though. I don’t want 2 temples or 3 house that are the same.

I will not be removing large areas of land, such as entire mountain, to make something fit. I will work around what is available with very little transforming.

Once the village is completed I will build walls and gates to protect the village from hostile mobs.
I hope that you enjoy this series.

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