2016-09-12 ● Obama - Leopard - Goat - Pharaoh and date of death Ezk 31

3 years ago

Isa 11:6 the leopard shall lie down with the goat
Dan 7:6 the leopard had 4 heads and 4 wings
Notes on page 34 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-8E... - NOTES: Apocalypsis Scroll 7
Obama Assyrian, 7 kings & 7 shepherds https://youtu.be/7IvLyUbVUVw - VIDEO: Obama "little horn", the Assyrian, 7 Kings & 7 Shepherds Jul 1, 2016
The Lamb reigns 1260 Days Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXqaGD7sX9gbH4QV1Pu8V3KFuqff62mUl - PLAYLIST: Lamb reigns 1260 days
Baphomet Goat Statue fulfills Dan 8 https://youtu.be/jHMcR2Bhqrg - VIDEO: Baphomet Goat Statue fulfills Dan 8 and 790 days from 9th of Av Aug 20, 2015
The Lamb reigns 1260 Days https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTm8To3lUOI&list - VIDEO: Lamb Reigns 1260 days! Amazing link in Esther 1,2 with Rev 4,5! Feb 22, 2016
Q: Hello Brother, thank you for this study. How does Ezekiel 32 fit in (destruction of Pharaoh) do you think this is about Obama? When I read it that's who I think of and it also seems to remind me of the description of Gog in Ez. 38 & 39.....thank you
A: Yes, I do believe him associated with Pharaoh and Ez 32.
I believe Ez 38 to be after the Millennium
Rev 20:7,8 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle
Excuse me, you asked about Ezekiel 32, not 31.
Yes, 32 in the Antichrist Pharaoh and we discussed that here https://youtu.be/KGIY1nfH2E0 - VIDEO: Haman - Antichrist, 10 Sons / Horns, Kings Timeline Dates Aug 16, 2016
Again, 31 and 32 being two separate distinct people
Q: It originally said in the bible, "And the lion shall lay down with the lamb". What interpretation would you have for this?
A: Earliest manuscripts are the Dead Sea Scrolls in which the book of Isaiah is one of the most popular scrolls. In it it clearly says wolf not lion in 11:6
Q: Okay...something I keep missing is how we know that the kings are these particular Presidents. How do we know it started with Reagan? I don't doubt that it is true, I am just curious how we know to start there. I think I am missing something.
A: It's a lot of work to record, post videos, write notes and organize in books.
This message should cover it here: https://youtu.be/7IvLyUbVUVw - VIDEO: Obama "little horn", the Assyrian, 7 Kings & 7 Shepherds Jul 1, 2016
Review of the prophesy https://youtu.be/q052eLGZMDU - VIDEO: Review 7 Shepherds, Fig Tree and Merchants from Nahum 3 Feb 3, 2017
Q: why doesn't the bible say "Barack Obama dies in 2021" instead?
A: The book or scroll is "sealed" to those influenced by the beast. We must repent like Daniel (chapter 9) in order have the seal of knowledge to understand the vision and prophecy.
I'm working on Trump, he may have a timed prophesy like the Leopard/Pharaoh.
S - statement; R - response; Q - question; A - answer

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