How To Get Clients - With No Case Studies

3 years ago

How to get clients with no case studies

Method 1.

Work for free in exchange for a video testimonial.

Get great results:

• You'll have a solid case study to leverage to get more clients.

• Your client will be happy to keep working with you - He'll have no problems paying if he knows he can get a great ROI.

Method 2.

Offer a no brainer guarantee.

Ex: Full money back + $100.

Anyone would feel stupid not taking it.

Offering money from your pocket shows how confident you are in delivering results.

Method 3

Only charge for your results.

If you're doing lead generation, only charge per appointment you generate.

It's much easier for your prospect to accept a $200 per lead payment instead of $2k per month.

Method 4

Make an offer where your prospect never loses.

Let's say you're offering email marketing, ask for a sales commission from the emails you wrote.

Ex: Your client has a list of 10,000 subs, you write one email that makes him $5k, you get paid 15% of that.

It's a win-win.

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