Some of the Produce I Dehydrated in 2020

4 years ago

I worked so hard in the gardens and spent a fortune on supplies and water. At the end of the season, the Sun burnt up all the crops, except the Squash. I continued dehydrating what produce that did grow, and I bought what failed. I certainly will think carefully about what I try to grow this year. Fortunately, we did not experience any shortages of produce at our grocery stores. I look forward to dehydrating again this year. I don't think I will freeze more though. I am afraid we are going to experience some power outages that may last several days. We did fill the freezers last year. Any suggestions are welcome. I'm a 74 year old man who lost his wife to Alzheimer's Disease. I had always assumed my wife would do this stuff.
Good luck with your gardens and all the canning, freezing, and dehydrating.
#Dehydrating #Gardening

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