Rebel TV E7 Glen Beck is Wrong, the 2nd Amendment Must Have Meaning 11/17/20

3 years ago

Glenn Beck is wrong. Now I admire him, I listen to him, I appreciate the extensive research and information but his solution to the loss of our liberty frustrates me to say the least. While I believe we must educate ourselves, we have to know what is going on, if you are a religious person, you have to pray, but simply knowing you are going to end up before a firing squad and in an unmarked mass grave is not going to stop it from happening. What's the point in knowing anything if there is no real action, no pushback. Platitudes will not save our republic or our liberty.
He has continually admonished his listeners through the years that taking up arms is never the answer. So I ask you, what is the point of defending the words of the second amendment if you vow to never exercise that right? If you proclaim before the tyrants that your will never defend yourself, what do they have to fear? A right you refuse to exercise may as well not exist.
Glenn, more than any other media personality, has detailed the horrors of Marxism. We know its intolerance of dissent, its propensity for violence. The principles of non-violent protest are noble but they will only work on a government that has some respect for basic human rights. Gandhi, Martin Luther King, ultimately they were up against governments that had some basic sense of decency, they were not going to be lined up against a wall and shot. Non-violent protest does not work against Marxist regimes. Look at the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Communist China, North Korea. Dissent under Marxist regimes is eliminated with extreme violence.
If the unabashed and committed socialists and Marxists really are taking over, and I believe they are, we must be physically and mentally prepared to resist. We cannot hamstring ourselves by taking our most potent option off the table. They are coming for our property, they will mandate limitations on our basic freedoms, assembly, worship, speech, they will persecute those who supported Trump or reject their agenda and eventually they will start lining us up, every Marxist regime has. Hyperbole? I don't want to find out, I will resist the lesser acts of tyranny in the hopes of preventing the worst. We have submitted to the lesser acts for far too long. It is time to stop complying and for that to be effective, for non-compliance to have teeth, it needs to be backed up with determined resistance and that means exercising our right to protect ourselves from theft and tyranny by any means necessary.
Defending ourselves does not mean we all grab our guns and storm Washington or our state capitol. Someday it may come to that, never take any option off the table, but our non-compliance will be much more effective in the short run by defending our homes, towns and counties as a determined group of Americans. We take steps to put our property out of their reach, we ignore their dictates and resist any attempts to enforce them, we refuse to submit to the tyrant's unconstitutional and immoral acts and the unjust system that enforces it. We do this by organizing Constitutional Sanctuaries, creating our own Galt's Gulches in towns and counties, and even states across this nation. In doing so we will restore the founder's vision and fundamental principles of justice and liberty where we live in a moral and effective way that will break the power of the totalitarian system trying to enslave us.

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