Rebel TV E5 Understanding the Deep State

4 years ago

It is tough for us regular folk to understand the mentality of the deep state, the elites, and the globalists who believe they have the knowledge and quite frankly, the right, to rule. But it is more than simply believing they have the wisdom to tell everyone how to live their lives. They believe they have a right to our wealth, they have a right to do as they please, and that hypocrisy or immorality cannot be attached to them.
Their attitude is really a form of that of kings who believed they ruled by divine right. King James in his “The True Law of Monarchies” explains this attitude better than anyone. He says “If a monarch betrays his trust, that is a matter between himself and God who ordained him. A tyrant may be God's appointed chastisement of a nation and the proper cure for tyranny is that a nation should give itself, in patience and prayer, to a purer life.” Now our slate of tyrants don't believe in God but the attitude is the same. Our despots believe any betrayal of trust is none of our business, we just need to suck it up and deal with it in patience. When American politicians and all those in the bureaucracy take an oath to defend and protect the Constitution, our contract with them, and then violate that agreement with every breath and act, we are just supposed to accept it. It is our destiny to suffer as they pillage and destroy.
Another consequence of this attitude of divine right that makes them comfortable stealing our property is their belief that all property belongs to them already, just as the kings of old did. In those days it was understood that the king owned everything in his dominion, that which had breath and that which didn't. Things have not changed. The money you earn is not yours, the government takes its cut and allows you to keep what it thinks you should have. Your property is not yours, if you fail to pay your tax it will be confiscated. Your life is not your own, all men at least must sign up for the draft making themselves available should the state require their involuntary service. If Covid and its associated restrictions taught us anything, it is that our ability to live our lives is in every way subject to the whim of our rulers. In their minds we owe them our allegiance and obedience, we are expected to grovel at the feet of those with superior wisdom.
Should we question these actions of our rules, if we point out their violations of the law or our contract, it will not matter. Why? Because to a divine ruler, the law is only the servant of the king. In other words, the law applies to thee and not to me. The law itself is an instrument of oppression, it is not an objective standard. Do you understand what all this means? To our rulers in the deep state, to our tyrannical elected leaders, we are mere chattel, we are objects whose only value is in what we can contribute to their wealth and power. Whether that is deceiving us for our vote or needing us to produce something of value for them to confiscate, we are simply means to their ends.
No, each and every one of us is an individual of value with unalienable rights that include the right to life, liberty and property. My life, my property belong to me, not to them. I for one am not going to turn it over to them. Who are they, they are not special, they are not of a superior race or species, they do not have wisdom superior to my own when it comes to my life. I owe them nothing; not my allegiance, not my obedience, not my property and not my life. Neither do you. It is only our meek deference to their illegitimate claims on us that gives them power. Stop giving it to them!

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