Rebel TV E2 Does Democracy Legitimize Tyranny? 11/9/20

3 years ago

So the media has called the election for Biden. Now what? Now that this has been done the media and the establishment are going to push the narrative that it is over, he won, Trump lost, and that momentum is likely to take him to inauguration day. No matter what kind of fraud is proven, the majority of our fellow citizens are going to want this to end, the majority of whom seemed to have voted for this corruption. The media is going to push the narrative that he is the president, social media is going to quash any narrative to the contrary. Is there still a slim hope? Sure, but slim it is. It is time to figure out what we are going to do next. What are you going to do?

Was this just another lost election, better luck next time? Bush to Clinton to Bush to Obama, the ebb and flow of democrat to republican and back. Do you really think that after Biden and Harris there will be another Trump? Do you think that after everything that has happened over the last four years, the lies, the persecution, the corruption whose sole aim has been to get rid of Trump and make sure no one like him ever happens again that there will be another fair election? Do you really think that a candidate who did so little, who doesn't even know what day it is half the time, really got that many votes? You don't think that the fix was in from the very beginning, that the mail in voting, the lawsuits to let votes come in after the election day with no postmarks or signatures, the tens of thousands of votes magically appearing and one hundred percent of them are for Biden, making sure no one can get in and see what they are doing are all to make sure they don't lose this election? And since their lawlessness and corruption has been on naked display and there have been no consequences, they will be emboldened to do this every election. If they get away with it, why would they stop? Your last option to make your voice heard is over, your vote has been canceled.

So do you simply say ok, you won, we lost, the majority want socialism and communism. Here's my checkbook. Do you simply hold out your wrists to accept your chains? Are you going to go meekly into the dark night of Marxism, submit to the globalists and their Great Reset? God, I hope not, I hope there's more to your enthusiasm for freedom than a vote, that you are not satisfied with cheering, however enthusiastically, from the sidelines only to go home sadly when your team loses, hoping for a better result next time. If they get away with this, there is not going to be a next time, our elections are going to be a sham like those in Russia or Venezuela. A choice of one party of tyrants with no real opposition. Are you willing to live with that, to have your children and grandchildren grow up under that system knowing that you betrayed the heritage bequeathed to all of us by the blood of previous generations?

I know I'm not. My freedom was never in the hands of Donald Trump, it is in my hands. Whether elected fairly or fraudulently, I am not going to go begging on my knees for scraps before the impostors who would make themselves absolute rulers when I am my own king. I am an individual endowed by my creator with unalienable rights, they belong to me. They are not privileges granted by presidents, governors, congress or the courts to be exercised or restricted at their pleasure. My rights are mine and I am going to fight for them. I am not going to reluctantly relinquish my property and freedom just because a majority of my fellow citizens voted for a corrupt despot. Do you think democracy legitimizes tyranny? I will not cooperate or comply with my own enslavement. Will you?

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