Writer's Block Almost Killed Me

3 years ago

Writer's block was definitely the greatest crises of my life. In fact, I suffered from it so horribly that it almost killed me. Fortunately, over a four year period of trial and error experimentation, I developed practical methods on how to easily overcome that ailment. I chronicled these methods in my 2012 guide, "How To Overcome Writer's Block In Less Than An Hour" which is now available for FREE on Amazon Kindle until March 24. I wish I could make it permanently free but that is all the time Amazon will permit. If you don't suffer from writer's block or don't care because you don't write much then this is no big deal. However, if you are a writer who suffers from this common problem, this guide will be like a blessing. I only wish that such a guide was available when I suffered from writer's block

How To Overcome Writer's Block In Less Than An Hour

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