Rebel TV E38 Dealing with Government Bullies

4 years ago

Most of us have dealt with bullies at one time or another in life. In days past it was the kid who beat the snot out of you on the playground. Now its cyberbulling and cancel culture. We all know its wrong....or do we? There was a move for a while to humanize the bully; the poor misunderstood cretin, just lashing out because of daddy issues or some other psychological trauma. Do you really think that those who engage in today's cancel culture are acting out of some subconscious anguish? Its time to get over this mushy psychobabble and realize that bullying is wrong, no matter what the motivation and that there are a lot of bullies who just like to be a bully. They like the sense of power and control they exert over others by threatening them. I don't care if this offends you but there are just bad people in the world and their actions do not entitle them to the benefit of the doubt.
So in a bullying situation you have a bully and the bullied. The bully relies on his or her ability to instill fear. Fear of physical harm, fear of material loss, fear of the destruction of reputation or honor, fear of embarrassment. The bully does this because he or she wants to reduce you to a slave, remove your humanity and set themselves up as lord and master and control you and/or take from you so they don't have to work. Ultimately, that is what bullying is, it is a short cut to wealth and position without having to work for it. It is, at a base level, thievery, taking that which has not been earned. It is morally wrong.
It is, therefore, our responsibility and duty as moral beings to stand up to such evil. But most of the time we don't. Why? Because regardless of what we say, our values are distorted. Our highest value should be our individual sovereign humanity, our right to free thought and action, and the same freedom for others. That is what makes us human. But instead we place value on other thing by which we define ourselves; our material possessions, our physical well being, our ego. It is threats against these things that the bully uses to instill fear.
We fear losing material possessions so we compromise hoping that giving some will appease the bully and he will not demand it all. We fear physical harm so we obey his commands. We fear embarrassment so we bow to his wishes. And the bully knows just how far to push his victims to get the maximum out of them. If he takes too much he will create a perilous situation for himself; for it is the man or woman who fears no loss, or who has lost everything, who is the most dangerous of all.
Look at us as Americans, we are being bullied, skillfully and brutally by our government. What do these bullies want? Money and power. Unearned money and power. They are no different than the schoolyard bully who demands your lunch money. They are taking a short cut, stealing money and demanding obedience not because they are smarter or better but because they think they are entitled to it by virtue of conning us into electing them or because they were appointed to a position by someone who conned us into electing them. They believe their position entitles them to tell us what to do and to whatever portion of our property they desire.
Their demands are immoral and you and I both know it. They confiscate our hard earned money at the point of a gun, don't forget that. And for what? To redistribute it. But don't be fooled, they are not a bunch of Robin Hoods stealing from the rich to give to the poor. If that was the case perhaps we could at least subscribe some nobility to their theft; but even then it cannot be excused. Forced charity is not charity, it is still robbery. No, for all the trillions they have stolen for the welfare state, there are still just as many poor people as when they started and they have managed to make their conditions worse. No, the redistribution of the looters is from you and I to them and their friends. The supposed Covid relief bill. The average American gets a whopping $1400. If 300 million of us get that money, that is less than a fourth of the price tag. Where does all the rest of it go? Into the pockets of those in the swamp. Easy money for doing little to nothing but supporting the thieves who come up with 600 page bills passed without input from our representatives. Beneficiaries of stolen property. But we just keep handing it over no matter how outrageous the spending is, no matter the fact that it is immoral to saddle succeeding generations with this debt, no matter that it will destroy the economy and leave every average American destitute.
But it is not just the money, The bullies are now demanding we ignore reality and accept the absurd. Men can be women and men can get pregnant. Murdering babies is OK. Masks work when we are on crowded airplanes but not in crowded restaurants. The world will end in nine years if we don't get rid of fossil fuels. And if we don't at least give lip service to their absurd assertions we are canceled, humiliated, sometimes prosecuted but definitely persecuted. The bullies are starting to use the large financial and corporate institutions to force us into compliance with their twisted worldview. Bullies who want to silence us, deny us our right to commerce, to make a living, and eventually, to live at all, because that is where all this ends eventually.
This total and complete destruction and reorganization of our culture and values only happens with our cowardice. When the cancel bullies come too many grovel at their feet for forgiveness. Too many businesses cow to their demands. Do you understand that those demands will never end, that there will always be something else, that they constantly change the goalposts, searching for some new and previously hidden offense with which to bludgeon us? It only ends when we refuse to acquiesce to their absurdities.
The bullies in government, large corporate and financial institutions and the cancel culture are coordinating to terrorize us into accepting our subservient position, to deny our rights and renounce reality. Are we going to continue to let them get away with it? Are we going to keep handing over our money, our minds and our dignity to these bullies? I'm not. But it is only when we refuse to give them power and demonstrate our courage that it will stop. It won't be easy, the bullies are long used to their power and position and will seek to do more of the same; force is their only weapon, they left reason behind a long time ago. We will need to develop our own businesses and institutions outside their control. We will have to preserve our cultural norms and history from their efforts to annihilate it. Most importantly, we need to support one another for it is when we come together that we will prevail.

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