Romania National Anthem (Instrumental) Deșteaptă-te, Române

3 years ago

Deșteaptă-te, române! ; variously translated as (Awaken thee, Romanian!, Awaken, Romanian!, or Wake up, Romanian!) is the national anthem of Romania.
The lyrics were written by Andrei Mureșanu (1816–1863) and the music was composed by Anton Pann. It was written and published during the 1848 revolution.
Since then, this song, which contains a message of liberty and patriotism, has been sung during all major Romanian conflicts, including during the 1989 anti-communist revolution. After the revolution, it became the national anthem on 24 January 1990.

(English Lyrics / Translation)
Wake up, Romanian, from your sleep of death
Into which you have been sunk by barbaric tyrants
Now, or never, make a new fate for yourself,
To which even your cruel enemies will bow.

Now or never let us give proof to the world
That in these veins Roman blood still flows,
That in our chests we hold a name with pride,
Victorious in battles, the name of Trajan!

Imnul National al Romaniei / Hymne Roumain / Romanian National Anthem / Himno Nacional de Rumania / Hino Nacional da Romênia / Hymne National de la Roumanie / Гимн Румынии / Hymne von Rumaenien / Inno Nazionale della Romania / Himna Rumunjske / Rumunská Hymna / Rumunska Himna / Nationalhymne Rumänien / Himna Rumunije / Volkslied Roemenië / Imnul Romaniei / Inno Nazionale Rumeno / Roemeens Volkslied / Hymn Rumunii / Гімн Румунії / Románia Himnusza / Romanya Milli Marşı / Hino Nacional Romeno / Himno Rumano / Rumänische Hymne

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