White House Fires 5 Staffers Over Past Marijuana Use; US-China Talks Tough but ‘Candid’: Blinken

3 years ago

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00:00 WH Fires 5 Staffers Over Past Marijuana Use
Press Secretary Jen Psaki confirms that five White House staffers "are no longer employed" for their previous marijuana use.
In order to work at the White House, staffers need security clearance and must answer questions about marijuana and other drug use.

01:07 US-China Talks Tough but ‘Candid’: Blinken
The second day of the Alaska meeting has just ended. Coming out of the meeting, Secretary of State Antony Blinken says, he knew there were issues where the US is ‘fundamentally at odds’ with the Chinese regime. They include the regime's actions in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Tibet, and Taiwan.

02:16 AG Explains 15 States’ Lawsuit Against Google
Texas's attorney general says Congress isn't taking action to hold big tech accountable, which is why the states have to. The Texas-led suit accuses Google of collecting data and using it for its own benefit.

04:50 Iowa House Bans Critical Race Theory
Iowa's House voted to ban critical race theory from being taught in public schools, colleges, and the government as part of diversity trainings.

05:37 Mistakenly-Released Suspect Turns Himself In
With crime in New York City on the rise, one might think that now it's especially important to keep criminals off the streets. But it happened yet again that New York's most infamous prison released a murder suspect by accident.

07:05 Man Bottle-Feeds Kitten on Subway
While riding the New York City subway, one woman was pleasantly surprised on her way home, when she caught sight of another passenger bottle-feeding a kitten.

07:38 Spring Blossoms Arrive in Greece
All of Greece is in bloom as Spring comes to the Northern Hemisphere. NTD's Sapphire Courter takes us to the idyllic Athenian Hillsides.

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WH Fires 5 Staffers Over Past Marijuana Use; US-China Talks Tough but ‘Candid’: Blinken | NTD

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