The Warrior's Repose - I will succeed

3 years ago

Eng. I am a firm believer that relationships only have to improve our lives and not hold us back in any way. This song taps into the exploration of man’s lower energy, his mystique and his willingness to chase excellence that many women find attractive. It is about a tough decision a man is faced with – a choice between the woman that is so dear to him and his passion. He loves her but deep down he knows that he has to continue pursuing something that to him is higher than everything else. He has to make the tough decision as he is an honest man on a mission! A man following his bliss!

I know this is slightly different from my previous works but I also feel that I couldn’t leave it out. My first up-tempo piece as well.

Lat. Esot spiestam izdarīt smagu izvēli starp mīļoto un mūža aicinājumu, vīrietim nav citas izvēles, kā būt maksimāli atklātam pret sevi un apkārtējiem. Viņš ļoti mīl sievieti un negrib viņu zaudēt, bet, tajā pašā laikā, apzinās, ka viņa sirdslieta ir svarīgāka par itin visu. Tāpēc izvēle ir acīmredzama.

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