The Joyful Purpose of Soon To Be Kings

3 years ago

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I think the greatest topic these days in the body of Christ is the end times events. Prophecies that have come to pass, and all the others now being fulfilled before their eyes are the conversations among many. Along with seeing these things, is a very real larger than life, internal joy never before felt or experienced before. The knowledge and understanding of where the body of Christ stands is building up a great fervor of expectancy.

There are endless discussions and sermons about being prepared and getting ready for the Lord's return. Everyone agrees with great joy and excitement about these things. Yet, shortly afterwards, they feel that no matter what, they do not really know what it means to prepare when it comes down to it. The truth is it all comes down to purpose. That is the big elephant in the room. If believers do not understand their purpose, they will find themselves living in shadows, and feeling emotions that become the verdict of their will.

The purposes that God has for each one of His children is really seen through His eyes. We see a whole lot differently then Him through our eyes darkly. A great deception has happened that is very subtle but powerful. Which is the Believer always sees through their own eyes what they are NOT doing. The common belief is that purpose is in the religious activity of "high performance Christianity." A term I came up with after wearing myself out trying to serve Christ.

The purpose of each individual is what they do each day, among those they live with, whom they work with, and those that live next door to them. It is not in a pulpit they will never enter, or a sermon they will never preach at a convention before multitudes. Neither is it in how many church services they attended, or scriptures they write on 3 by 5's to be remembered. It is all about what you have in your heart, in your hand, what you are purposing in your heart, what you are purposing in your mind, purposing in your spirit.

Your mind made up with intention of will in everything you do to honor Jesus Christ the Lord. It is not about what you think you do not do, but what you do from your heart in love for Him. His goals must be in your purposes as you go along, which is how Jesus Himself did it, as "He went about doing good."

Yes, the time is running short, and going by as the swift sands in an hour glass. Purpose in yourself in EVERYTHING you do and say. And the purposes of God will be performed in the beauty of a life given over to His life. The mundane will become a king's portion to present before the King of Kings in the day you enter into glory. Nothing will ever be looked at the same, but only a way of service in eternal love and devotion. The Holy Spirit will make you ready one day, perfect in your Father's eyes, and ready to go into heaven. Spotless, without wrinkle, full of joy forevermore. This IS God's purpose for YOU. This is how you prepare and store up treasure in heaven to lay at His beautiful feet.



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