The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 140 - What Democracy?

3 years ago

Today, I want to have a look at the Roman “Democracy” psychological operation or psy-op that continues to hold many people under a fatal spell today. The concept of “Democracy” is Greek in origin meaning essentially, “rule by the people” where power resides in the citizenry, but it is a mythical concept at best. Democracy has never existed anywhere. Now you may disagree with me, but before you do; Tell me where it exists today? Where has it existed in the past? Can you give me some examples? Do not mistake “egalitarian” forms of society as “Democracy.” Egalitarianism is, “the doctrine that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities.” Democracy on the other hand is, “a form of government in which the people have the authority to choose their governing legislators.” You see, they are not the same. People in a society may have differing levels of equal rights and opportunities, but NO VOICE in who governs them. That’s NOT democracy!

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