Embracing NOT Erasing

3 years ago

#1MinuteEncouragement Sometimes it just doesn’t matter what you say, you are not heard. Ever felt that way? There are seasons of life where we can feel so isolated, alone and very invisible. We live in a very harried, busy culture, where even some of our personal interaction with people are with people we have never met personally, we don’t do life with them, and can’t really know them like we think we know them. Why? Because the social image they put out online, their snapchat or selfie is staged and it is only what they want us to see, and may not truly be who they are. Impersonal, shallow, acquaintances is really far from what we were designed by God to be. In this kind of a culture, we need to work hard to make our relationship with God personal, and it is out of this relationship that will spring genuinely honest, deeply personal relationships with people, where we are being vulnerable and open hearted and where we are not erasing each other, but embracing each other. This is what we need to strive for, making it personal, heart to heart with one another, stretching past shallow acquaintances to investing our time deeply, being related to people in sacrificial friendship, compassion, caring and love for one another. Invested in people, deeply related, heart to heart. Strive for this. #DigDeeper https://thebridegroomscafe.com/s-h-a-r-e/

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